Boundary conditions and numerical stability solutions

Boundary conditions and numerical stability solutions#

Insulating boundary#

To implement an insulating boundary on the left, i.e. \(dT/dx=0\) at \(x=0\), we need to look at the update equation for the leftmost grid point at \(i=1\):

\[-\alpha T^{n+1}_0 + (1+2\alpha) T^{n+1}_1 -\alpha T^{n+1}_2 = T^n_1.\]

The temperature \(T_0\) is off the grid, so we need to use the boundary condition to determine its value. This is easy for the insulating boundary since \(dT/dx=0\) means that \(T_0 = T_1\). Therefore, the update equation for \(i=1\) is

\[-\alpha T^{n+1}_1 + (1+2\alpha) T^{n+1}_1 -\alpha T^{n+1}_2 = T^n_1\]
\[\Rightarrow (1+\alpha) T^{n+1}_1 -\alpha T^{n+1}_2 = T^n_1.\]

This means that we need to modify the top left of the matrix so that the diagonal element is \(1+\alpha\) rather than \(1+2\alpha\).

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.linalg

n = 1001
x = np.linspace(0, 1, n)

# Initial profile has T=1 everywhere except T=0 at the outer boundary
T = np.ones(n)
T[-1] = 0.0

plt.plot(x, T)

dx = x[1]-x[0]
dt = 1e-2
alpha = dt/dx**2
nsteps = 100

# Calculate the matrix A in banded form
b = (1 + 2*alpha) * np.ones(n)
b[0] = 1 + alpha       #<=========  New line to implement insulating boundary
a = -alpha * np.ones(n)
c = -alpha * np.ones(n)
c[-1] = 0.0
a[0] = 0.0
AA = np.row_stack((a,b,c))

# and the b vector (boundaries)
bvec = np.zeros(n)
#bvec[0] = 1    <===== Also we no longer need this since we are not fixing the value at the boundary

for i in range(1,nsteps):
    T = scipy.linalg.solve_banded((1,1), AA, T + alpha*bvec)
    plt.plot(x, T)

Numerical stability#

First we’ll do the von Neumann stability analysis for the implicit Euler update

\[T^{n+1}_j = T^n_j + \alpha (T^{n+1}_{j-1} -2 T^{n+1}_j + T^{n+1}_{j+1}).\]

Plug in

\[T^n_j = \xi^n e^{ikx} = \xi^n e^{ik(j\Delta x)}\]

which gives

\[\xi^{n+1} e^{ik(j\Delta x)} = \xi^n e^{ik(j\Delta x)} + \alpha \xi^{n+1}\left(e^{ik((j-1)\Delta x)} -2 e^{ik(j\Delta x)} + e^{ik((j+1)\Delta x)}\right)\]
\[\xi = 1 + \alpha \xi \left( -2 + e^{-ik\Delta x} + e^{ik\Delta x}\right)\]
\[\xi = 1 + 2\alpha \xi \left( -1 + \cos(k\Delta x)\right)\]
\[\xi = {1\over 1 + 2\alpha \left( 1 - \cos(k\Delta x)\right) } = {1\over 1 + 4\alpha \sin^2\left(k\Delta x/2\right) }.\]

So we can see that \(|\xi|\leq 1\) for any choice of \(\alpha\), this method is always stable.

Next, let’s implement the explicit update and try an unstable timestep:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.linalg

n = 101
x = np.linspace(0, 1, n)

# Initial profile has T=1 everywhere except T=0 at the outer boundary
T = np.ones(n)
T[-1] = 0.0

plt.plot(x, T)

dx = x[1]-x[0]
alpha = 1.0
dt = alpha * dx**2
nsteps = 10

# Calculate the matrix A for the explicit update
b = (1 - 2*alpha) * np.ones(n)
b[0] = (1 - alpha)
a = alpha * np.ones(n-1)
AA = np.diag(b) + np.diag(a,k=-1) + np.diag(a,k=+1)

for i in range(1,nsteps):
    T = AA@T
    plt.plot(x, T)

If you run this with \(\alpha\leq 1/2\) it will be stable and give the same solution as before, although a lot more slowly. Above we’ve taken \(\alpha=1\) and zoomed in on the right hand part of the grid. We see that the unstable mode is such that alternate grid points move in opposite directions: the wavelength is twice the grid spacing as predicted by our stability analysis.