Conjugate gradient solutions#

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Try out the conjugate gradient method#

def conjgrad(A, b, x = None, niter = 20):
    # Find a solution to Ax=b

    # If there is no initial guess, create one
    if x is None:
        x = 0*b

    # Calculate first residual r_0 and set p_0 equal to it
    r = b - A@x
    p = r.copy()

    # Keep track of the size of the residual and
    # exit early if it gets small enough
    rr = r@r

    for i in range(niter):
        Ap = A@p
        pAp = p@Ap
        alpha = rr / pAp
        x = x + alpha*p
        r = r - alpha*Ap

        rr_new = r@r
        beta = rr_new / rr
        p = r + beta*p

        rr = rr_new
        print('Iteration %d: pAp = %lg, residual=%lg' % (i, pAp, rr**0.5))

    return x
n = 1000
A = np.random.rand(n,n)
A = A@A.T
# Adding a diagonal component reduces the range of singular values, converges faster
A = A + np.diag(n * np.ones(n))

print('Matrix condition number =', np.linalg.cond(A))

b = np.random.randn(n)

x = conjgrad(A, b, niter = 20)

print('Max error = ', np.max(np.abs(b-A@x)))
Matrix condition number = 251.40583627173717
Iteration 0: pAp = 1.13201e+06, residual=106.109
Iteration 1: pAp = 2.68304e+09, residual=2.36361
Iteration 2: pAp = 6446.52, residual=0.171269
Iteration 3: pAp = 34.2315, residual=0.0117273
Iteration 4: pAp = 0.157702, residual=0.000809329
Iteration 5: pAp = 0.000759103, residual=0.000151828
Iteration 6: pAp = 0.00498624, residual=6.09651e-05
Iteration 7: pAp = 5.0026e-06, residual=4.10697e-06
Iteration 8: pAp = 1.96176e-08, residual=3.07264e-07
Iteration 9: pAp = 1.10443e-10, residual=2.132e-08
Iteration 10: pAp = 5.26143e-13, residual=1.55138e-09
Iteration 11: pAp = 3.309e-15, residual=8.3324e-09
Iteration 12: pAp = 1.46841e-11, residual=1.05671e-10
Iteration 13: pAp = 1.29658e-17, residual=7.95868e-12
Iteration 14: pAp = 7.4104e-20, residual=5.75301e-13
Iteration 15: pAp = 3.81794e-22, residual=4.05114e-14
Iteration 16: pAp = 1.89795e-24, residual=1.4136e-14
Iteration 17: pAp = 4.8356e-23, residual=2.76164e-15
Iteration 18: pAp = 9.14286e-27, residual=2.0014e-16
Iteration 19: pAp = 4.65141e-29, residual=1.39821e-17
Max error =  1.7319479184152442e-14

Application to Laplace’s equation#

def set_bcs(n):
    # Create a mask to set the boundary points
    # (following )
    mask = np.zeros([n,n],dtype='bool')
    x = np.linspace(-1,1,n)
    xsqr = np.outer(x**2,np.ones(n))
    rsqr = xsqr+xsqr.T
    R = 0.1
    mask[rsqr<R**2] = True
    mask[:,0] = True
    mask[0,:] = True
    mask[-1,:] = True
    mask[:,-1] = True
    bc = np.zeros([n,n])
    bc[mask] = 0.0
    bc[rsqr<R**2] = 1.0
    return mask, bc

def set_bcs_capacitor(n):
    mask = np.zeros([n,n],dtype='bool')
    x1 = 3*n//8
    x2 = n-x1
    mask[:, x2] = True
    mask[:, x1] = True
    bc = np.zeros([n,n])
    bc[:, x2] = 1.0
    bc[:, x1] = -1.0
    mask[:,0] = True
    mask[0,:] = True
    mask[-1,:] = True
    mask[:,-1] = True
    return mask, bc
def conjgrad_laplace(x, b, n, mask, niter = 20):
    # Find a solution to Ax=b

    # Calculate first residual r_0 and set p_0 equal to it
    r = b - Ax(x, n, mask)
    p = r.copy()

    rr = r@r

    delta_x = np.zeros(niter)
    for i in range(niter):
        Ap = Ax(p, n, mask)
        pAp = p@Ap
        alpha = rr / pAp
        x = x + alpha*p
        r = r - alpha*Ap

        # keep track of how much x changes as a measure of convergence
        delta_x[i] = np.max(np.abs(alpha*p))

        rr_new = r@r
        beta = rr_new / rr
        p = r + beta*p

        rr = rr_new
        if i%(niter//10) == 0:
            print('Iteration %d: pAp = %lg, residual=%lg' % (1+i, pAp, rr**0.5))

    if i%(niter//10):
        print('Iteration %d: pAp = %lg, residual=%lg' % (1+i, pAp, rr**0.5))
    return x, delta_x

def Ax(x, n, mask):
    V = x.copy()
    V = V.reshape((n,n))
    # We set the boundary values to zero so that boundary points do not contribute to the
    # averaging. This is taken care of by the b vector
    V[mask] = 0
    Vnew = V - 0.25 * (np.roll(V,1,0) + np.roll(V,-1,0) + 
                       np.roll(V,1,1) + np.roll(V,-1,1))
    Vnew[mask] = 0
    Vnew = Vnew.reshape(n*n)
    return Vnew
# Solve Laplace's equation with conjugate gradient
n = 512
mask, bc = set_bcs_capacitor(n)
#mask, bc = set_bcs(n)

# Initial guess for the potential 
V = np.zeros([n,n]) + 0.5
V[mask] = bc[mask]


# The matrix bc has zeros in the interior points and the boundary condition
# values in the boundary points. We calculate the part of the averaging 
# that includes the boundary separately and then move it onto the right hand side
# as our b vector
b = 0.25 * (np.roll(bc,1,axis=0)+np.roll(bc,-1,axis=0)+
b[mask] = 0
b = b.reshape(n*n)

# This is the initial guess for the potential
x = V.reshape(n*n)

# Solve and then reshape into a 2D grid
x, delta_x = conjgrad_laplace(x, b, n, mask, niter = 2*n)
V = x.reshape((n,n))


plt.plot(np.arange(len(delta_x)), delta_x)
plt.ylabel(r'max $\Delta V$')
Iteration 1: pAp = 96, residual=6.92695
Iteration 103: pAp = 0.0158729, residual=0.169523
Iteration 205: pAp = 0.00236602, residual=0.0700791
Iteration 307: pAp = 0.000195086, residual=0.0210845
Iteration 409: pAp = 8.01209e-06, residual=0.00424184
Iteration 511: pAp = 9.59754e-08, residual=0.000430214
Iteration 613: pAp = 4.20298e-09, residual=8.51102e-05
Iteration 715: pAp = 1.85836e-10, residual=1.84348e-05
Iteration 817: pAp = 4.72007e-12, residual=2.89834e-06
Iteration 919: pAp = 9.69988e-13, residual=1.32976e-06
Iteration 1021: pAp = 1.58396e-14, residual=1.64154e-07
Iteration 1024: pAp = 1.46728e-14, residual=1.57431e-07
_images/74d6eca897d43bc952ce51d342136f654457ff41794ccca6698fcf70e0912a1f.png _images/f7873635b3d71e96e610afcec6c23b6c897dd7a02c0d3d4d33efa814d1c1e708.png

The convergence is exponential.