Photon spectrum of a source#
Find an example of a photon spectrum from a High Energy Astrophysics source.
Prepare a short write up (<1 page) with a figure showing the spectrum and answering the following questions:
How was the data obtained (which observatory, instrument)?
What were the dates and integration time of the observation?
How many photons were detected? What is the spectral resolution?
What spectral models were used to fit the data and what is learned from the fits?
What physical process produced the photons? Does the spectrum look the way you expect given our overview of the different radiation mechanisms in class?
The reference to the paper where the observation was published.
Post your write up to the google sheet. Each of you should look at a different observation, so once you decide which observation you are looking at, you should put the reference on the first page of the google doc to “claim” it.
You should come to class prepared to discuss your findings.